07771 507915
So many Swans!!
Time to bring you all up to speed with life at Tinker’s Hill as we head into December. It’s usually a little quieter so late in the year, as there are now very few baby birds to get themselves into trouble and we are mostly past the re-launching of numerous Manx Shearwaters! But if you thought there’s nothing much going on, you’d be dead wrong!
Let me give you an example with an update on just the Swans! The rescue currently has 12 swans in care…
We have 2 babies that are both doing ok.
The oiled swan from Valero is doing better now, his insides had been impacted by ingestion of the oil but he is responding to medication. (That hasn’t improved his attitude though!) Picture of his rescue day below – he didn’t like us then, and he doesn’t like us now!
We have 2 swans that came in as a result of being shot with air gun pellets, these pellets have been removed. The injuries were not life threatening but they are certainly very sore. It always depresses me that someone can be so callous, what truly sad lives they must lead…
The latest patient to be admitted had landed in a skip in Cardiff docks that was half full of metal bits and all sorts of other rubbish. Doing OK now.
The juvenile from Tredegar Park that got stuck in a bramble patch and then had its back end badly chewed by something (probably either a fox or a badger) is now thriving! and hopefully will be released in a few days.
All other residents are doing well and we are just about coping with the numbers, in terms of space and ponds, at the moment. We really need to raise funds though, for some extra pens, another pond and some more flights, not to mention the ongoing costs day to day – these birds can certainly eat!!!
We are so grateful for any help we get. It would be lovely to reach our current fundraising target before Christmas, but I know it’s an expensive time of year.
We will shortly have gift certificates available, these will reflect a donation made as a gift and can be posted out or emailed.
The donation link should be easy to find on various pages on the website.
Thank you all so much for continuing to help us to help the birds, we couldn’t do it without you!